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The CenturionPro® 3.0 Medical Grade Trimming System is the highest capacity automated trimming machine that comes Health Canada/FDA ready! This machine is composed of medical grade anodized aluminum and stainless-steel components to meet all regulatory standards. The 3.0 is a goliath of a machine that is as delicate on flowers as it is impressive to witness. This machine can replace up to 75 human trimmers without sacrificing quality. The 3.0 machine features three Toro-hardened steel cutting reels, each featuring 11 high-quality blades. This machine will harvest a whopping 60-70 lbs dry (300-350 lbs wet) per hour of use. In addition, our magnetic blade technology guarantees a consistently sharp blade and the cleanest cut. The 3.0 is a monumental machine that can manage 140,000 cuts per minute (almost double what The Gladiator cuts)! In addition, it has a whopping 6 horsepower leaf collector that produces an impressive 5,000 CFM of pure suction power. Pristine and powerful, the 3.0 comes with a food-grade plastic hopper, finely tuned diverter to preserve different strains and our double-bag system that separates trimmings for further use.